Take Online Classes | Harvard Business School

Take Online Classes 

There are so many classes available in this world that enrich your knowledge. You guys can Take Online Classes from various universities, and websites.

Take Online Classes | Harvard Business School

  1.Finance Accounting:         

* Discover how balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements are developed and how each interact.

*Evaluate the financial health of a business using financial statements.

*Understand GAAP and IFRS standards.

*Value a venture, project, or investment opportunity and perform a sensitivity analysis.


                8 weeks          6-8 hours per week

                7 modules        self-paced with regular deadlines

                            WHO WILL BENEFIT

College students and recent graduates

Learn the language of business through accounting as you gain the skills and knowledge to analyze financial statements.

Course From: Harvard Business School

Learn More about this course Here

2. Entrepreneurship Essentials:

*Identify a business opportunity.

*Evaluate an idea and assess the market.

*Explore the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship.

*Leverage experiments to validate concepts and refine your business strategy.

*Discover the key financial decisions entrepreneurs must make in the early stages of a startup.

*Understand the process of raising capital and how to speak to investors.


                4 weeks                6-7 hours per week

                4 modules             self-placed with regular deadlines

                                        WHO WILL BENEFIT

  Aspiring Entrepreneur

Whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur with the start of an idea or are exploring entrepreneurship, learn the language of the startup world.

Course From: Harvard Business School

Learn More about this course Here

3. Global Business:

*Build a foundation in macroeconomics to make more informed business decisions.

*Identify the challenges and opportunities that government and politics can create for you and your business from a strategic standpoint.

*Assess the impact of macroeconomic, political, and social indicators on business decisions.

*Discover the short- and long-term impact of interest rates, inflation, trade, and investment.

*Learn distinctive approaches and frameworks that help you think about the world and organize information.


                       4 weeks                  6-8 hours per week

                       4 modules               self-placed with regular deadlines

                             WHO WILL BENEFIT

Forward-Thinking Strategists

Learn more about the broader macroeconomic and political landscape your organization operates in, so that you can develop business strategies that create and capture value.

Course From: Harvard Business School

Learn More about this course Here

Take Online Classes | Harvard Business School

4. Organizational Leadership:

*Identify any misalignments between the dynamics of your organization and external market conditions.

*Communicate purpose and vision, and inspire your organization to execute on that vision.

*Extend the reach of your influence by leading through other managers.

*Elevate your leadership style to meet the distinct challenges of leading larger, more dispersed teams.

*Develop strategies for planning and engineering organizational change and innovation initiatives.

*Shape your organizational culture and architecture to maximize talent, leverage diversity, and drive performance.

                           WHO WILL BENEFIT 

Experienced Team Leaders

Prepare for the next phase of your leadership journey, whether you’re expanding your overall scope of responsibilities or taking over a larger department or organization.

Course From: Harvard Business School

Learn More about this course Here

5. Design Thinking and Innovation:

*Approach problems using structured methods of gathering observations, breaking cognitive fixedness, and generating creative ideas for solutions.

*Apply creative solutions and behavior-change analysis to innovation development and internal team processes.

*Develop a strategic innovation toolkit and learn when and how to apply design thinking and innovative problem-solving tools and exercises.

*Practice empathy in applying a human-centered approach to design techniques, such as user research, user experience, prototyping, and journey mapping.

*Assess group dynamics and improve team performance through tools and processes designed to enhance collaboration and iteration in development.

*Guide teams to draw from a wide range of professional experiences and backgrounds and create stronger collaboration dynamics to heighten their approach to innovation.


                      7 weeks            6-8 hours per week

                      7 modules         self-paced with regular deadlines

                              WHO WILL BENEFIT 

Aspiring or Current Innovation Managers

Develop an innovation mindset and toolkit you can use to guide your team or organization’s strategy.

Course From: Harvard Business School

Learn More about this course Here

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